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There are three Reiki Treatments available and three Reiki Sound Treatments available.


The traditional Reiki treatment - This treatment is a good all-rounder for aches and pains, particularly back and shoulder issues. It is great for the common day-to-day complaints whilst helping to reduce stress.  This treatment compliments conventional and other natural healing modalities.
1hr treatment costs $80.

The Chelation treatment - This very powerful treatment is specifically for clearing blockages within your whole energy system whilst restoring balance throughout your body.
1hr treatment costs $80.

Mental/Emotional treatment - This treatment is very effective when feeling emotionally unsettled, agitated, depressed or suffering emotional trauma and can also provide clarity with questions you may have in your personal experiences.
1hr treatment costs $80.

*It is recommended for the client to commit to at least three successive sessions within a 10-to-14-day period if they are sick or seeking stress relief. After the first treatment the client may feel much better, however, detoxification may begin.  Having three successive sessions assists in a smoother and faster recovery. Ongoing treatments may be required until the condition resolves. Frequency of visits is on an individual basis.


Sound healing is the use of specific instruments to balance and heal the body and works directly on the body's energy field.

The use of brass Tibetan bowls and various kinds of chimes assist to calm and balance the emotional and mental wellbeing of the recipient. The use of Crystal Sound Bowls is specifically attuned to each chakra and have a frequency resonant to each chakra. These tones produced by these Crystal Bowls not only provide an auditory experience but also can be felt in your physical body as a high frequency vibration, affecting your chakras for healing and meditation. They have a reverberating tone, depending on the size of the bowl and amount of pure crystal which can affect the duration that the bowl will sing.

The brass bowls and crystal sound bowls that I play are not placed on the body. With the use of other sound healing instruments these are also played around you as you lay on the treatment table.

The health benefits of sound healing induce deep relaxation, chakra balancing, mental and emotional wellbeing.

*NOTE - If you are susceptible to migraine headaches or have any hearing impairments, please advise as this may alter the experience.

Crystals may be used in my treatments if requested.

Testimonials -
Thankyou Lisa for my wonderful healing sessions with you. It was such a nurturing and healing experience. You have a lovely calming and grounded energy as well as radiating such warmth and wisdom. I felt immediately grounded and clear headed and lighter afterwards. Then over the next couple of weeks, I found myself having more clarity and being more heart centred which helped me to hear my own intuition and make important decisions about the direction of my life. I am so grateful because I was an anxious muddled mess before your treatments. Afterwards I was able to move forward with courage and heart.
Luisa xxx
If you are looking for an authentic healer, then I highly recommend Lisa.  To experience her Reiki healing is an experience in itself as she takes you on a calming, loving journey with her. She has helped me through some very low times and brought me back to life again. She is very wise and knowledgeable when it comes to energy and spirit and shares her information with such love and grace. I highly recommend this beautiful, kind-hearted lady in a heartbeat!
Helene Kaye.


A Reiki/Sound treatment enables the recipient a personal sensory experience with sound, that directly works on the body's energy field which can have a profound effect on the body, mind and spirit.
The Universal Life Force Energy that is Reiki works by balancing our energy system, harmonising our vibrational frequency at the molecular level, thereby bringing about healing on all aspects of our being.
The Reiki/Sound treatments are a beautiful, powerful blend that assists the integration of both energy practices. The frequencies of Reiki and Sound helps you to access the deeper levels of your inner wisdom and healing.


1 Hour Reiki/Sound - This treatment begins with 30 minutes of sound followed by a 30 minute chakra balance with Reiki. This is a perfect blend of energy healing. Cost - $80
1 Hour & 15 minutes Reiki/Sound - This treatment begins with 30 minutes of sound followed by 45 minutes of a Reiki treatment that includes a combination of a mental/emotional and chakra balance. A powerful, harmonious treatment.
Cost - $90
1 Hour & 30 minutes Reiki/Sound -  This treatment begins with 30 minutes of sound followed by a full hour of a Reiki Chelation treatment.  The combination of these two is a very powerful treatment for those who want to take a deep dive into the Reiki and Sound experience. Cost - $100


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